The Wyoming Public Health Association is an organization dedicated to the betterment of health in the state of Wyoming. We are comprised of public health practitioners throughout the state who are passionate about improving public health systems in the state.

Since 1989, the Wyoming Public Health Association (WPHA) has worked to ensure the public’s health in Wyoming. We have promoted and protected the public's health through program development, we have provided over 1500 contact hours of continuing education and professional development in our most recent annual conferences, and we have advocated on behalf of good state and local public health policy and legislation. We ensure the highest quality public health workforce; we build a strong collective voice for sound public health policies; and we work to ensure access to health care, protect funding for core public health services, eliminate health disparities and address other critical issues. Our core values include health, equity, diversity, dignity, empowerment, integrity, and knowledge for individuals and communities. We are “Promoting a Healthy Wyoming.”
The Wyoming public health workforce includes:
Public health physicians and nurses
Health educators and nutritionists
Emergency responders
Environmental health specialists, restaurant inspectors, and sanitarians
Occupational health and safety professionals
Scientists, researches and academics
Social workers
Epidemiologists and disease intervention specialists
Public health veterinarians
Their work, with the support of our association and stakeholders – such as interested businesses and community leaders – helps to advance public health’s impact in the following ways.
Saving money and improving quality of life. A healthy public gets sick less frequently and spends less money on health care, which means better economic productivity and an improved quality of life for everyone.
Helping children thrive. Healthy kids attend school more often and perform better overall, and grow into healthy adults. Public health professionals strive to ensure that all kids grow up in a healthy environment with adequate resources, access to healthy and nutritious foods, healthy housing and comprehensive health care including dental and vision care.
Reducing human suffering. Disease prevention and health promotion activities educate and make it easier for people to live healthy lifestyles and make the choices that help reduce cancer, heart disease and many other chronic illnesses. Public health also reduces the impact of disasters by preparing people for the effects of catastrophic events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes and terrorist attacks.